Indiana Jones and the blahblahblah Crystal Skull
A bunch of us went out to see the new Indy movie last weekend. I enjoyed it and would probably go again. Harrison Ford played a remarkably spry senior citizen Indy, fighting the Russians (led by a wonderful, saber wielding Cate Blanchett) over the secret of some crystal skull thing that will blahblahblah incredible power to whomever blahblahblah. Shia Labeouf from transformers is channeling James Dean and Marlon Brando as Indy's sidekick. Don't worry about plot details like what metals can be magnetized by what. It's a fast paced Indiana Jones roller coaster. I liked it about as much as the last one. Some people complained that the story was far fetched, but to them I reply: "Compared to what?" The last story was about finding the Cup of Christ and fighting off the Nazis for it. Raiders was about the Ark of the Covenant. Seems a bit late to complain about the plausibility of whatever it is Indy's chasing. Anyway, the film looks great (the used the original cameras from Raiders), especially the first part when they're in the desert, where they have a 50s color film look about it.