Monday, December 28, 2009

Lolrus Lives!

Have you seen His bukket?

(seen at the almaden expressway Barnes and Noble, context unclear)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Guitar Controller FTW!

My rock band guitar controller has been getting progressively flakier as time has gone by so I've been thinking about getting a beatles wireless controller for a while, but balking at the price. Well, the in-laws were nice enough to give me a fair chunk of change in Best Buy gift certificates for Christmas, so today while at Best Buy getting batteries for the Wii, I pulled the trigger on the new Rickenbacker replica. Loving it! Even managed to talk Noelle into using the other controller for some Beatles Rock Band and she seems to be taking to this rock band thing. Yay!


Sherlock Holmes

It was all right, more of a Sherlock Holmes themed movie than a Sherlock Holmes movie. Jeremy Brett for the win!


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

No matter where you are, I am hoping you're having a joyful Christmas! We're chilling here in sunny SJ (currently watching TBS' 24 hour Christmas Story marathon) wishing you could be here with us. Best wishes everyone!

Weird Stuff I've Seen Lately

The past 48 hours, swear to god.

1. Do Not Use - Someone at Best Buy neglected to print out the real tag:

2. Wine Glasses May Cause Battery Explosion - I'm not sure what the warning on Noelle's laptop box was supposed to infer, but it looks like:
Wine + LiIon Batteries = FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!

3. Santa On A Pickup - A bunch of plastic, lit up raindeer pulling a lit up Santa and sleigh on top of a pickup truck. Merry Christmas in SJ!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Almost Christmas

Gotta get some supplies for dinner tomorrow and do some last minute cleaning. Not too crazy, but we haven't ventured out to the stores yet. Hoping everyone is well and their Christmahanukwanzaa preparations are going well.


Off Work until 2010!

Woot! Almost two weeks off! Gonna be great!



Went out with several friends to see James Cameron's newest adventure, Avatar. I was a little skeptical because the trailer didn't really do much for me, but on the other hand I don't think I've ever seen a James Cameron movie I've hated. Avatar was a pleasant surprise. The plot is solid if unremarkable, about earth interests who are trying to move an alien race off of their tribal lands to get the resources (Unobtainium, if you can believe it) that lay below. You can see the plot devices and developments coming from a mile away, but the ending is still emotionally satisfying, if predictable. The visuals, on the other hand, were amazing. The first half of the movie is just achingly beautiful. The character animation was also good, especially the facial expressions. The 3D where I was sitting (towards the front and to the side) was meh at times with out of focus objects becoming distractingly fuzzy. I will probably go again once more in the theaters to see this on the big screen before it leaves.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rifftrax: Shorts-Stravaganza

Noelle and I went to see this last week. I saw the Rifftrax in-theater performance featuring Plan 9 From Outer Space and couldn't stop laughing at one, so I was really looking forward to this show. It was really funny, although not up there with Plan 9. They had some of the weirdest ass shorts I've ever seen including a tree "of no account" (the part where it gets cut down is the best part) and a weird Santa inspired dream with claymation dolls that would give me nightmares if they hadn't riffed on it. Also a promotional movie for Santa's workshop that was funny when I could understand the audio or tell what I was looking at (worst. cinematography. evar.). Oh, and they ragged on Twilight, so that was fun. It was worth going to just to hear Sparkly Vampires. Good time. Would go again.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Solstice!

The days get longer now!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mission Completed

Had our annual Christmas dinner Saturday. It was a lot less crazy than last year: only 14 guests instead of 25 or whatever it was. I actually found the seating to be fairly reasonable. I was in the kitchen a lot cooking for the first part of the evening, but it was a tenderloin roast, so it wasn't too awfully demanding. The roast actually got done roughly around the time the last guests showed up, so it came out of the oven just about perfectly done. It must have been good because most of it got eaten. A nine pound roast is a lot bigger than one might think it would be. Also prepared a couple of pies and some cookies which were also popular. There was much merrymaking and a good time was had by all. Sunday was a _much_ more laid back day than Saturday, after all the excitement that had been building up. Derek stayed over because he is currently sans car, so we took him home Sunday afternoon. We went out last night and saw the animated Christmas Carol in 3D which was quite good despite Jim Carey starring. He was a lot more restrained than he could have been, considering his resume. Now back to work, which hopefully is going to be nice and quite for the next couple of weeks.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Digg Shenanigans

This picture went from about 25-35 page views three days ago to 5189 (and counting) now. Evidently someone linked to it in a comment on a popular article on digg which generated this ridiculous (for me) amount of traffic

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Must Be Christmas Time

SomaFM's XMas in Frisco is asking the eternal question: What would you get a wookie for Christmas if he already owns a comb?