Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Rainy Weekend

This was a pretty good weekend, all things being equal. We got a hint of rain Friday night taking George out to the comedy club in Sunnyvale (Comedian: "If I have an erection that lasts more than four hours, I'm not going to call a doctor. I'm calling a fucking newspaper!" Pure gold.) for her birthday. Saturday morning I woke up to the sound and smell of rain outside the bedroom window. And then went right back to sleep. Got up for some bagels and some Bioshock in the afternoon. We eventually got going in time to get to Fus' going away party in Milpitas at 6. Then back to Kingman where there was more merriment until the wee hours of the morning. Sunday Noelle and I got up at a reasonable 12:30 (no rain this time) and went to Stacks in Campbell for some brekkers. We hunted around fruitlessly for an iPod (how punny!, haha!) and then drove up to Crystal Springs for a nice long walk in the trees. The water level is really, really low at the reservoir! We really must be in a drought. After the walk, there was talk of lemon chicken soup, which pretty much necessitated driving over 92 to Half Moon Bay and down the coast to Santa Cruz for a quick dinner. Then back home, so I could catch part of Sasquatch Night Sunday at Kingman. Meh. Let me just say that Abominable pretty much is self descriptive, although Rear Window meets Sasquatch is a close second. Return to Sasquatch Mountain (or whatever it was called) was hardly any better, although Lance Hendriksen had a lot better dialog in that movie. WTF possessed him to make not one, not two, but three Sasquatch movies??? He must have a lot of ex-wives or something. RtSM(owiwc) had the talkiest dialog I've ever seen in such a shitty movie. It was as if the screenwriter really wanted to talk about what led bankrobbers and lawmen to come together in the woods, but the only way they could get that movie made was to make a Sasquatch flick. Oy vey. Anyway, that was the comedown for the weekend.

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