Tuesday, November 28, 2006

End of the Holiday Weekend

So after getting to bed fairly late Friday after the Prodigy show, we got to sleep in Saturday and go off to the Farmer's Market before it closed, taking a nice stroll down fall-like downtown Pleasanton. Then we got some cleaning in and headed off to dinner with Aki and Rachel and Aki's parents. After way too much Indian food,we zoomed off to see The Fountain, Darren Aronofsky's followup to Requiem For A Dream and Pi. That movie was not quite what I was expecting, but I am glad I went to see it. I may need to go see it to figure out what it was that I was looking at. Sunday morning I got up remarkably early for a Sunday on a holiday weekend and went to Dickens Fair in San Francisco with Amber, Noelle, and Wendy. That was a spot of good fun. It was kind of like Ren Faire, except the folks were dressed more tastefully. :-D And most of the people who were dressed up seemed to do a good job keeping to period clothing. I'll have pictures up of that shortly. That night I went back to SF again, this time to see the reconstituted Alice In Chains. That was a fantastic show. The replacement for Layne Stayley has a remarkably good approximation of Layne's voice. Jerry Cantrell is still on as a guitarist. I would have liked to have heard "Heaven Inside" or "Head Creeps", but that's as close I can come to a complaint. They did an electric set followed by an acoustic set (and I could take my earplugs off at the Warfield!), followed by an electric encore. During the encore James Hetfield of Metallica showed up to play/sing "Would."Really great show. Catch it if you can.


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