Concert Trifecta

Saw three shows in three nights this weekend and they were all great. Started out with Mark Hummel and the Blues Survivors at JJs with Aki and company. Solid blues show as usual. Saturday night was U2 at the Arena. Excellent show! Noelle scored us tickets that had a nice view of the stage which had several rings of chase lights that were really pretty and programmed to do some sweet effects. High points of the night for me were Zoo Station/The Fly/Mysterious Ways combo (yeah, I listened to Achtung Baby a few times in the early 90s) and New Year's Day. Sunday night was Garbage at the Warfield. Another Awesome show! Shirley Manson is a great performer. They played a bunch of songs from their upcoming album, which from the sounds of it, promises to be another great one. The band was really tight, especially since this was the first show they'd done in a couple of years. They were supposed to open the tour in Seattle a few days ago, but evidently all got the flu. Anyway, they seemed really happy to be there and the show was hot. A bit on the short side for my taste, but what can you do? Anyway, the shows coupled with an obsessive consumption of video game goodness ate up the bulk of my weekend. Can't complain. :-)
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