
Went to see the movie Kinsey, starring Liam Neeson and Laura Linney, tonight. Alfred Kinsey was biology professor at Indiana University in the 30s and 40s. He originally studied gall wasps because of their diverse offspring (gall wasp offspring do not resemble their parents) and eventually became the founder of the Kinsey institute which did ground breaking research in human sexuality studies. Before Kinsey, there was no scientific research to describe what constituted "normal" sexual behavior. Before Kinsey even educated people had bizarre notions like oral sex could inhibit pregnancy. He ultimately concluded that human sexual behavior was as varied as the appearance of the gall wasp. Kinsey was widely castigated by the moralizers of his day who didn't want to hear what people were up to in the bedroom. A good movie, but I'm kinda surprised they got away with an R rating. There's man kissing, full frontal male nudity, engorged penises and vaginas. Not for easily offended.
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