Friday, October 31, 2008

What's Chris Been Up To?

Well, I've gotten back from Mexico. Mexico was fun. It was hot and humid during the day and most of the evenings we had thunderstorms. We saw a little bit of Puerto Vallarta, did some snorkeling, and went on zip lines through the jungle canopy. I also did a hike to waterfall on the snorkeling trip. There was also lots of lounging around the pool and getting pool drinks. Overall, it was a pretty relaxing trip.

Once we got back Noelle spent a lot of time getting ready for Pumpkin Party. We had about 20-30 people show up and carve and eat and socialize. My jack o' lantern was kind of a failure, but I had a good time nonetheless. :-)

I voted. There were a dozen or more propositions this time. My favorite was the one where I was asked to approve the results of a report that has not been published yet. Wait, what?

At work I got reorged into a new division at the company. So far, it seems like more of the same, only with different managers and management processes. On the bright side, I haven't been laid off, which is good, because while I was out of the country, the health of the economy has gone from colicky to having consumption.

Going to see Chris Cornell tonight. Should be fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

post the setlist, I am curious

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Set list, Carl! I want my got tam set list!

9:18 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Honestly, I can't tell you the set list by name. I believe they played his entire new album, Scream. Some of the songs were pretty good, but I found a lot of them to be pretty uninteresting, sadly. I liked most of the songs on his previous album. The new album is extremely well produced (thank you Timbaland), I will give it that.

They played Burden In My Hand for the encore. That was awesome.

11:41 PM  

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