Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just Me and the Cats

So Noelle is off to Merry Old England to take a quick vacation while she's between jobs (new one starts next week). I, alas, couldn't get away thanks to work cooking up a special project for me to work on until October. :-p I do, however get Labor Day weekend off, so there's some comfort in that. I may (or may not depending on where my project is in the next couple of days) take an extra day off since at least half the people on this project appear to be doing that. I wanted really badly to go camping since I haven't done that in a while, but it's all very last minute, I don't think that's going to happen. On the other hand, I do think I will get some hiking in, if the weather around here will only cooperate (it was in the 90s today, which I find a tad warm for hiking). And if I can overcome my innate laziness.

Anyway, since we're going to be snuggle free for a week or so, I took Noelle down to Santa Cruz Monday night for some chinese food and a drive up Highway 1 under the stars, which was really cool. The section of coastline between Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay is largely deserted, so the sky is really, really dark at night. Fortune smiled on us and we got clear skies to go with the lovely drive.


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