Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Truth (With Jokes)

Just finished reading this latest Al Franken work. Franken, as usual, mixes up the truth with some humor, which is good, because the truth tends to be teeth grittingly disturbing. I now have (among other things) even more reason to dislike Tom DeLay than I did before (DeLay appears to be for sweatshops, forced servitude, forced prostitution, and even forced abortions (!), which don't seem to jibe well with his socially conservative exterior. Oh yeah, and the man who has publicly railed against ambulance chasing lawyers and tried to get the government to intervene to keep Terry Schiavo alive, evidently had different feelings when life support was removed from his father, who was incapacitated by a freak accident. And when he later sued the company that manufactured the equipment that had incapacitated his father. Asshole.).

Besides DeLay, Franken lambastes other members of Congress, the obvious targets in the White House, and selected members of the media. He really seems to dislike Sean Hannity. Anyway, it was a good read. I recommend it, if you can stomach more political chicanery.


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