Monday, July 11, 2005

I'm A Consumer Whore! (And How!)

So I went with Carl and Noelle to the Photo Fair on Saturday and wandered around there for a couple hours. Got a used 35-105mm Canon zoom lens for mid range shots. I also got a 500mm no name telephoto lens (literally, I have no idea who manufactured this thing) that I had to go hunting around for an adapter for. Actually, it looks like a telephoto with a teleconverter tube glommed onto it.

After I got the adapter ring for the telephoto I went up the road to Stevens Creek Blvd in Cuptertino because I foolishly forgot where that exit dumped out on SCB. Stopped at guitar center and ordered a portable effects box/amp for traveling which I am assured will be in by Tuesday. It was complete pandemonium. I have never been at a store so loud.

Wrapped up Saturday by taking a long walk at Almaden Lake Park in a desperate attempt to kickstart some physical activity. I compensated by not actually leaving the house on Sunday (mmm, video games). Hmm, I still seem to have a few things to get done before i leave Wednesday. *sigh* Well, off to bed.


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