Friday, July 08, 2005

Another Fine Day For Humanity

By now I'm sure everyone's aware of the latest bombing, this time in London. The British seem to be taking things in stride, as one might expect from a country that has had to deal with IRA bombings and World War II. Given their support (or I should say, their government's support) for our national adventure in the Middle East, I think it was kind of inevitable that this sort of thing would happen. From reading various news services, it looks like a lot of their politicians feel the same way. It's still despicable, of course. I wish certain people might have enough of a sense of irony to see that they are opposing oppression and violence they feel the West inflicts on their people by bringing violence to other men, women, and children.

A million years since we learned to walk upright and this is the best we can come up with? *Sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A million years?! A million?!? Where did you learn YOUR "science?"
There is NO proof that modern man is that old.
The special sticker on my science textbook says that it's all "theory." And to think a guy like you would fall for such "science!" Ha!


9:07 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

1. If by "modern man" you mean homo sapiens, modern man is only around a couple hundred thousand years old.

2. Science does not offer "proof" per se. The scientific method makes predictions and uses empirical tests to see how well those theories hold up. Evolutionary theory uses carbon dating and mitochondrial DNA testing to test those theories. The scientific method is one way to explain the way the universe works. It seems to work pretty well, so I'm gonna run with it.

10:44 PM  

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