Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Slow Simmer

I must be getting more sleep because I have reached the state where I am starting to notice my surroundings again. This is unfortunate, because what I notice mostly is that any number of people in my immediate vicinity are filling me with the urge to screeeeeeeam: Dude! What are you thinking???? I just do not want to deal with people any more. I need a frickin vacation or something.

I don't want to go out.
I just want to stay in.


Blogger Aki said...

Take a break. Get outta here. Before lives are lost.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude be more specific. who are you hypothetically saying these things to and why? hey man if you're gonna write, don't tease us, disclose it all.

9:02 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I can't really say too much, I'm afraid. I'm just burnt out and really frustrated dealing with various people. The particulars probably aren't that important anyway. My fuse is shorter than usual. And I can't really act out, so I just want to drop out for a while. Thank goodness I'm heading back east for a few days! ;-)

2:11 AM  

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