Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Weird Dream

The other night I had a dream that i remember, which is odd, because I rarely do. In it I was in a gang of bank robbers. We were going through with a bank robbery even though we all basically knew that it was going to wind up badly and we'd go to jail or whatever. It was weird that the sense of inescapability of our actions was so explicit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is rare enough, then, to warrant more detail

besides, it's more fun to read than random lyrical snippets

"dammit jim!"


9:13 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Dude, are you talking smack about Massive Attack?? Do not make me come back east to kick your ass. :-)

Anyway, I don't really have anything to add. I barely remember what I have already related. Just a bunch of guys going through the motions in a somewhat unorthodox situation, I guess.

1:18 AM  

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