
Saw this cool new movie from Luc Besson (La Femme Nikita, The Professional, The Fifth Element, etc) tonight. Jet Li plays Danny, a man who has been raised like an attack dog, by his "Uncle" Bart (played by the always excellent Bob Hoskins),a low life underworld type who uses him to sort out (i.e. beat the bejesus out of people) business problems with people who are late with their debts to him or otherwise on his bad side. In the course of one of these dealings, Danny gets separated from Bart. Danny is taken in by Sam, a blind piano tuner (played by Morgan Freeman) who takes him home and takes care of him. Danny becomes attached to Sam and his step daughter Victoria. A fair amount of the movie involves Sam and Victoria socializing Danny who is completely unused to normal human relationships. Eventually Bart comes around looking for his dog and the inevitable confrontation ensues. Some of the dialog was a bit uneven, but overall this was a great flick. The always awesome Massive Attack provides the soundtrack. The martial arts scenes are impressive as you might expect. One scene in particular had the craziest close quarters combat I have ever seen in my whole life. Check it, I think you gonna en-joy!
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