Sunday, August 29, 2004


Saw Collateral with Aki and Rachel and friends. This movie massively exceeded my expectations. Jamie Foxx can act. And not just like an idiot, I mean. Who knew? Tom Cruise was also decent in this film. The story is relatively good and the direction was great. Michael Mann really likes closeups. For that reason, I recommend seeing this on the big screen, because you really don't to get to see the craggy faces on the small screen, I think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

collateral kicked ass and so did it's soundtrack. dont leave details like that out mister..!

BTW i want a frickin' link to my site on IE removal, man. i want the windows usin' masses to be IE-Free without changing operating systems. whadda you say dude man sir. ok later man. F

11:19 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Dudeman! You honor me with your presence. Now I know I just need to discuss Michael Mann's movies. :-) Collateral did indeed kick ass, no question, as did its soundtrack. I especially noticed "Shadow On the Sun" by Audioslave.

I'll see what I can do about posting a link to your crazy, ill-advised IE removal scheme. :-D

11:00 AM  

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