Sunday, June 28, 2009

Taking It Easy (Sort of)

So, after slogging through the past couple of weeks, my team at work has finished its latest milestone. I got a cold last weekend and worked through most of the last week with a lousy fever. Now that things have settled down a bit, Noelle and I are enjoying the company shutdown by traveling through the Pacific Northwest, which is a trip I've always wanted to do. Tonight we're staying at a B&B in Eureka, CA, just down the road from where I proposed 15 months ago. Tomorrow we'll head to Crater Lake in Oregon. The next night is in Portland, followed by a stay in Seattle. Then a couple nights in Vancouver, BC. Heading back home we'll visit some friends in the Seattle area after making a return trip though Vancouver Island. Then another night in Portland and a long, long drive home to the Bay Area.

So, it doesn't sound terribly restful, but hopefully lots of fun! It'll be nice to get out of the Bay Area which appears to be trying to melt at present.



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