Monday, July 19, 2004


I went and saw the movie Dodgeball Saturday with Aki and Rachel. I thought it would be at least somewhat amusing. It turned out to be the funniest movie I've seen all year (with the possible exception of Van Helsing, and that was unintentionally funny). It's about this guy (Vince Vaugh) who runs a gym for Average Joes, who's nearly in default on his mortgage. His arch rival is richly overplayed owner of Globo Gym ("We're better than you - and we know it!") played by the expectedly over the top Ben Stiller. The deus ex machina in this flick is the world dodgeball championship with a prize exactly equal to the amount Average Joe's needs to get out of debt. Not great cinema. Very predictable. But still somehow really funny.

Listening to: Head Creeps from the album Alice In Chains by Alice In Chains


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